
The Socialist-Green Electoral Alliance in France 2002

Data on the electoral alliance between the Socialist and the Greens in the 2002 French legislative election from Blais, André and Indridi H. Indridason. 2007. “Making Candidates Count: The Logic of Electoral Alliances in Two Round Legislative Elections.” Journal of Politics 69(1): 193-205.

data [stata]

codebook [pdf]

Electoral Pacts

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Assisting Professors in Political Science

The blog Assisting Politics provides some interesting information on the publication record of assisting professors in U.S. including number of publications, in what journals, etc.  A great resource if you want to figure out whether you really are being productive enough (as if you need more stress in your life).  More information on the data can be found on the blog but you can download the data (last updated in Feb. 2007) here [.xls].

I didn’t collect the data so please head over to Assisting Politics if you have comments, etc.

The Profession

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MIPT Terrorist Knowledge Base Data (perl-script)

NOTE: The MIPT Terrorist Knowledge Base doesn’t appear to be online anymore. The Global Terrorism Database seems like a comparable source.

The MIPT Terrorist Knowledge Base ( provides data on international terrorist incidents since 1968 and domestic terrorist incidents since 1998. The database is updated monthly. Each terrorist incident can be looked up individually online but the whole database is not distributed publicly. In a recent paper I examined the effects of terrorism on coalition formation (Indridason, Indridi H. “Does Terrorism Influence Domestic Politics? Coalition Formation and Terrorist Incidents.” Forthcoming 2008. Journal of Peace Research 45(2)) and to obtain the data I wrote a perl-script that flips through each page and retrieves that data. Dave Armstrong deserves credit for giving me the idea to write the script. Even if you are not interested in terrorist data, the script should be fairly easy to adopt to download any data on the web – it only took me a couple of days to write the script without having ever touched perl before.

terror perl script


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Coalition formation in Iceland 1945-2003

Data on coalition formation, duration, termination, and composition in Iceland between 1945-2003 from Indridi H. Indridason. 2005. “A Theory of Coalitions and Clientelism: Coalition Politics in Iceland 1945-2000”. European Journal of Political Research 44(3): 439-464.  
The format of the tables follows Müller, Wolfgang and Kaare Strøm, eds. (2000). Coalition Politics in Western Europe. New York: Oxford University Press.  The data until 1999 is included in the CCPD archive where information on variable definitions can also be found.  The tables below include those that were not included in the EJPR article (b/c of space limitations).

Coalition data – Iceland 1945-2003 [.xls]


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